Nov 23, 2023Liked by Mike Oppenheim

I think the fact that she was a Michigan graduate was the universe telling you that you’re getting closer (to me!)!!!

Ok fine maybe I am a little jealous…

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I love you!!!!!!!

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Mike Oppenheim

Raw, real, and incredibly brave! 👍❤❤

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Thanks. But I'd replace brave with "idiotic" :) xoxo

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Liked by Mike Oppenheim

A) I’ll never forget the conversation my kid engaged the family with in 2014 with a woman on the subway who was homeless and complained that most shelters are not safe kind places and most don’t allow you to bring your pet but she felt like her only reliable family was her dog and she felt safer with a pet.

B) I’ll never forget the woman I mildly crushed on when I was in HS who was in a Shelter while working at Taco Bell and i played magic the card game with her. She got to become manager at the Taco Bell and said she was close to getting custody of her kid back.

People are humans and I hope I don’t entirely discount or ignore poverty and homelessness but it’s easy to ignore when you don’t talk to them and it’s an easier life to not talk to people who aren’t on a similar bathing schedule and mental norm pattern. ….and much harder to ignore then when you listen. I’m glad you listen Mike.

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