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Coffin Talk
#154 - Akashic Healer - Tiffany Chan - "Spiritual Awakening"

#154 - Akashic Healer - Tiffany Chan - "Spiritual Awakening"

This week’s Coffin Talk features one of the five most influential people I’ve ever had the privilege of learning from. Her name is Tiffany Chan, and she’s a Master Akashic Healer, and her life story is fascinating: After working with the World Economic Forum, she was crossing a busy street in South Africa and was nearly killed by a car. This wake-up call led her to becoming a Spiritual Advisor, and she now helps leaders embody higher consciousness, teaching clients how to access the Quantum field. Book an appointment and/or find her on LinkedIn. She'd love to help you. It's her calling. I had a session with her, and it was life-changing. You will not regret it. And if you want a FREE primer, no problem! Just listen to her episode, right here!

If you want to know who the other four influences are, I’ve interviewed three (so far):

The Casual Casuist
Casual Conversations #10 - Lynn Bunch - Intuitive Educator - "The Woman Who Saved Mike's Life"
This woman saved my life. She not only helped me cope with the abduction of my son, but she helped me find the love of my life, and single-handedly saved our wedding from utter doom. Intrigued? You $%#ing should be! I want you to meet Lynn Bunch. From a very early age, Lynn realized that her life path was to educate people on how to use their intuition. …
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The Casual Casuist
#25 - A Transcendental Mediation Teacher - Craig Berg - "The Culprit Is Time"
Craig Berg has been practicing Transcendental Meditation daily for 50 years. He was personally trained as a TM teacher by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and has individually instructed in TM more than 1,000 people, including several years in India, Brazil, Philippines and Portugal. He has a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Maharishi International…
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The Casual Casuist
#51 - A Jyotish Astrologer - Charlotte Benson - "The Atman Persists"
A resident of Arizona since 1969, Charlotte has practiced astrology as a career there since 1972. She is a charter member and five-term president (President Emerita) of the Arizona Society of Astrologers, one of the largest and oldest astrological organizations of its kind in the West. She is very involved with supporting public awareness of the usefuln…
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The fourth is my former boss, Eugene Gray, who for some reason keeps delaying his recording, but that’s probably because capturing his essence is harder than getting lightning in a bottle, so I’ll continue to hope and pray that he commits to coming on…

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Coffin Talk
Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Join Mike Oppenheim as he interviews people from all ages and cultures to explore The Meaning of Death.