
I’m here to inspire and motivate you to think and laugh about inner-peace. That’s why I don’t paywall any of my content and offer free, weekly essays and podcasts, as well as one new novel, every year.

Here are links to three popular posts that may help orient you to Here, which is Where You Are.

How To Deal with People Who Are Saying Silly Things and Asking To Be Taken Seriously

Vaginas Can’t Aim

The Time I Went on a Date with a Homeless Woman

Here’s a short bio:

I have written weekly fun essays called You Are Here since 2006.

In 2021, my wife Elana, brother Sam, and I started our metaphysics podcast: Coffin Talk.

I also make music: Punchclock & Smirk

write novels: Dysfunction, Baby Doll (The Book, (2012), Too True to be Good (2017), The Apology (2021), and Ardor (2023)

and make videos: Squawk (2018), YouScience (2020), & Me-Search (2021).

I also index books, run a writing workshop, drink coffee, and eat avocados, and my favorite part of life is my family, which includes my wife, son, and two daughters. Oh and we have a dog. I love dogs!

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Smart positive snark. George Carlin, Ram Dass, and Plato in a blender. I explore the thoughts we all have, with deep levity. It's in the say I way it.


Compassionate and curious. Forgiving, not furious. Silly but serious. Dreaming, delirious.