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Coffin Talk
159 – Pet Cemetary Director – Ed Martin – “Don’t Be Judgy”

159 – Pet Cemetary Director – Ed Martin – “Don’t Be Judgy”


Edward Martin is the Vice President of Hartsdale Pet Cemetery, the oldest operating pet cemetery in the world and a business his family has owned and operated since 1974. As a teen, Ed spent his summers working at Hartsdale and after college he dabbled as an attorney and Certified Public Accountant but eventually returned home to Hartsdale which he considers his true calling in life. In his spare time Ed plays keyboards in several Grateful Dead cover bands and runs a Grateful Dead fan account on Instagram that you should follow!

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Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Join Mike Oppenheim as he interviews people from all ages and cultures to explore The Meaning of Death.