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Coffin Talk
#155 - A Mortician - Brie Smith - "The Grief Journey"

#155 - A Mortician - Brie Smith - "The Grief Journey"

Brie Smith is responsible for overseeing all operations and services at Return Home, a death care facility, where she ensures that every process is optimized and organized. She is also the “voice” of Return Home, delivering their message of sustainable death care to both traditional media and social media alike. She has been a licensed funeral director and embalmer in Washington State since 2014. She currently lives in the PNW with the love of her life, Zach, and their dog Pepper who both bring her to her center when she's feeling overwhelmed by this incredible journey she's on!  For more, please check out:

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Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Join Mike Oppenheim as he interviews people from all ages and cultures to explore The Meaning of Death.