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Coffin Talk
#150 - My Mom - Dena Oppenheim - "I Vascillate"

#150 - My Mom - Dena Oppenheim - "I Vascillate"


Dena Oppenheim was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. She then lived in seven cities in five states before moving to Arizona where for the last 14 years she has lived in the same house in Scottsdale, the longest ever in one home. Her beliefs and reflections have changed as easily as her residences, but her inner core is always steadfast in trying to be loving and kind.  She’s never had a “Bucket List” because her bucket has always been full. She’s Mike’s Mom, and you’ll love her!

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Coffin Talk
Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Join Mike Oppenheim as he interviews people from all ages and cultures to explore The Meaning of Death.