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Coffin Talk
#138 - Jay Boyle - A Gemstone Expert - "Count Your Blessings"

#138 - Jay Boyle - A Gemstone Expert - "Count Your Blessings"

Jay Boyle is 75 years young and happily married to the love of his Life, Lenora Spatafore Boyle with two children, Grace 37 and David 34. After returning to America from Vietnam, he went to college, learned to meditate, and became a wholesale, colored gemstone dealer. It was a difficult business to succeed in, but his career took off after he learned about the ancient, esoteric use of gemstones which came out of India and decided to bring loose gemstones to the world, on TV, in 1989. 43 years later, he is still employed by Jewelry Television and also running his own company specializing in gemstones for astrology. Learn more at

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